• Merchant Account Reserve

    21-09-13  7021

    What is a Merchant Account Reserve? When & Why Do I Need One? If there is one element of credit card processing that is universally dreaded by all merchants, it may be the merchant account reserve. All merchant accounts present a certain amount of risk to processors and banks. You may be req ......

  • Chargebacks vs. Churn: How to Strike the Right Balance

    21-09-09  7036
    Payment related

    A hallmark of the subscription economy is its promise of regular, recurring revenue. But what happens when billing…doesn’t recur?  ......

  • Double Refund Chargebacks

    21-09-06  7004
    Payment related

    What Is a Double Refund? “A double refund chargeback occurs when a cardholder requests a refund for a transaction, then files a chargeback for the same purchase. The merchant dutifully refunds the charge, unaware that the cardholder plans to dispute the charge and get their money back twice.”  ......

  • How to create a MID?

    21-01-27  9203
    How to use

    How to create or delete a MID  ......

  • How to set up 2-Step Authentication?

    21-01-27  7467
    How to use

    How to set up 2-Step Authentication? ......

  • How to add and delete an APP in merchant account

    21-01-26  8800
    How to use

    How to add and delete an APP in merchant account  ......

  • Pre-dispute and Pre-dispute fee

    17-05-24  9491

    With our cutting-edge technical in payment industry and strong power from our cooperative partner,We're able to foresee those transactions which could be charged back in future.  ......

  • Pan Card Details

    17-04-26  9698
    Payment related

    Pan Card stands for Permanent Account Number Card used in India. Pan Card is required for any kind of financial transaction in India. Pan Card includes Photo and 10 digit unique alphanumeric numbers for every individual. This Pan Card is issued by Govt. of India (through Tax Department or Ministry  ......

  • 9 things you need to know about prepaid cards

    17-04-22  9767
    Payment related

    Thinking about picking up a reloadable prepaid card? Join the club. In 2015, more than half of all Americans purchased a prepaid card for personal use, compared to 19 percent in 2008, according to Synergistics Research Corp., which studies the prepaid market. ......

  • AVS (Address Verification System) Results

    17-04-20  9062
    Payment related

    Address verification is performed by comparing portions of the billing address from the request message with address data on file at the issuing bank. Results are returned for the street address and for the postal code. ......

  • BIN

    17-04-08  8598
    Payment related

    BIN (bank identification number) is the first six numbers of a payment card. These standardized numbers provide useful information about the card that can help make your payments flow smarter. ......

  • AVL BAL*(Available Balance)

    17-04-06  17040

    AVL BAL*(Available Balance): Generally speaking, AVL BAL* is always less than or equal to the total balance because of holding period terms. Of course,not only holding period terms,but also it is affected by refund,chargeback orders and withdrawal. To make it simple,let's give an example. ......

  • Risk control reserve

    17-04-05  10485

    Risk control reserve ......

  • What are some common causes of 'Do Not Honor' payment ga...

    17-04-04  8693
    Payment related

    What are some common causes of 'Do Not Honor' payment gateway response codes? ......

  • Login password and Payment password

    17-03-19  8745

    When we set merchant account for our merchants,login password and payment password will be sent with the notification email as well. ......