• Express support

    17-01-15  8439
    Payment related

    For those tangible products sellers,we request them to upload tracking information after goods delivery.To use the "Tracking upload endpoint" correctly,we provide a list of the express companys so they can code it in API. ......

  • Issuing Bank

    17-01-12  8404

    Any bank or financial institution that grants Credit Cards and/or lines of credit through card associations. ......

  • Acquiring Bank

    17-01-12  8198

    A bank or financial institution that accepts debit or credit card Transactions for a cardholder. ......


    17-01-12  8205

    A communications protocol for secure communications over a computer network. ......

  • What is a Merchant Category Code (MCC)?

    17-01-12  8195
    Payment related

    A 4-digit code designated by a Credit Card company that lists the product, service, or line of business of a merchant. ......


    17-01-12  17118

    A mandatory set of rules and regulations created to reduce Credit Card fraud. ......

  • What is a Recurring Transaction?

    17-01-12  8143
    Payment related

    A charge applied to a cardholder in predetermined intervals for services or goods of an ongoing nature (memberships, subscriptions). ......

  • What is an Independent Sales Organization (ISO)?

    17-01-12  8012
    Payment related

    A third-party sales organization that signs Merchants up to accept Credit Cards on behalf of one or more Acquiring Banks. ......

  • Merchant Account

    17-01-12  8135

    An account issued by an Acquiring Bank that allows a business to accept Credit and debit cards. ......

  • Payment Service Providers

    17-01-12  8185

    A third party that helps Merchants accept and facilitate payments. ......

  • ABA Routing Number

    17-01-12  8145

    A unique nine-digit number assigned to each banking institution, used to identify the bank and direct ACH debits and credits. The ABA routing number is usually found at the bottom of a personal or business check. ......

  • API

    17-01-12  7950

    Advanced Programming Interface – APIs allow users to program to a pre-constructed interface, instead of individually programming a device or piece of software. ......

  • Fixed fee

    17-01-08  7512

    Payment gateway usually charges merchants a small amount for those approved transactions.The amount ranges from 0.10USD to 1.00USD,and it will not be returned even the transaction was refunded or charged back later.This small amount is called fixed fee in ipasspay. ......

  • Rolling reserve

    17-01-08  8430

    Usually 10% of the order amount will be holded by the payment service provider,and not be sent to the merchants' balance until 180 days later. We call the amount as rolling reserve.This is a anti-risk method taken by the PSP. ......

  • Settlement Cycle

    17-01-08  11505

    For those transactions processed successfully through the payment gateway, merchants can check them at merchant dashboard easily, but they can not withdraw the funds to their bank account immediately due to settlement cycle rules. ......