• What is 3D Secure?

    24-07-27  101

    3D Secure (Three-Domain Secure) is a security protocol designed to enhance the security of online credit and debit card transactions. It provides an additional layer of authentication to help prevent fraud in card-not-present transactions. The "Three-Domain" in the name refers to the three ......

  • What is AVS

    24-07-26  68

    The Address Verification Service (AVS) is a fraud prevention system used by credit card processors to verify that the billing address provided by a customer matches the address on file with the card-issuing bank. AVS is commonly used in card-not-present transactions, such as online or over-the-phone ......

  • What is Dogecoin

    24-07-25  81

    Dogecoin is a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables users to send money online easily ......

  • What is Cryptocurrency Mining

    24-07-24  105

    Cryptocurrency mining is a process through which new digital coins are created and transactions are verified and added to a public ledger, commonly known as a blockchain. It is a fundamental aspect of many decentralized cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which operate without a central  ......

  • ACH

    24-07-23  50

    ACH Automated Clearing House ......

  • What is a Bitcoin ETF?

    24-07-22  78

    The digital currency space continues to evolve, drawing interest from both individual investors and institutional players. One of the latest advances in this ecosystem is the emergence of Bitcoin ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds). This article provides an in-depth understanding of what Bitcoin ETFs are,  ......

  • A2A

    24-07-19  100

    A2A(Account-to-Account Payments  ......

  • ABA

    24-07-18  76

    ABA (American Bankers Association) ......

  • What is Decentralization ?

    24-07-17  38

    Decentralization is a key concept in various fields, particularly in technology and finance. In the context of cryptocurrencies, decentralization refers to the distribution of authority, decision-making, and data across a network, rather than being concentrated in a single, central entity. This arti ......

  • Auth Only (Authorization Only)

    24-07-16  97

    Auth Only (Authorization Only) ......

  • What is Litecoin(LTC)?

    24-07-15  78

    Litecoin (LTC) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was created by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer, in 2011. It is often referred to as the “silver to Bitcoin’s gold” due to its similarities with Bitcoin but with several key differences that make it unique. Litecoin was designed to improve up ......

  • ASP

    24-07-15  47

    An application service provider (ASP) ......

  • Why is USDT Stable?

    24-07-12  88

    USDT, or Tether, is one of the most widely used stablecoins in the cryptocurrency market. Unlike volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, USDT maintains a stable value, typically pegged to the U.S. dollar at a 1:1 ratio. This stability has made USDT an attractive option for traders an ......

  • What is a Stablecoin?

    24-07-11  88

    With the advent of blockchain technology and the rise of cryptocurrencies, a new subset of digital currencies known as stablecoins has emerged. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are known for their high volatility, stablecoins aim to provide price stability and  ......

  • An Introduction to Note-Issuing Banks in Hong Kong

    24-07-10  118

    Hong Kong’s banking system is unique in its arrangement for issuing currency. Unlike many other regions where a single central bank issues all the currency, Hong Kong utilizes a system where three commercial banks have the authority to issue banknotes. These note-issuing banks operate under the stri ......